What is the role of alcohol interlocks? How effective can they be in the fight against drink driving? The European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) answers these questions in its new short film.
Around a quarter of road deaths in Europe involve drink driving!
An alcohol interlock device requires the driver to take a breath test before starting their vehicle. The vehicle cannot be started in the event of a positive test.
Convicted drink-drivers can opt for an alcohol interlock instead of a driving ban in several European countries, including Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Lithuania, Poland, and Sweden.
Participants showed in the film speak about how using an alcohol interlock has helped them stop drink driving.
“Alcohol interlocks can help us end the tragedy of road deaths involving drink driving. But this film gives a rare glimpse of how people who use these devices can keep control of their lives, stay in work and maintain family relationships. When combined with psychological counselling, monitoring and feedback, … alcohol interlocks save lives, but also change the lives of those that use them”, ETSC Executive Director Antonio Avenoso commented.
ETSC is calling for alcohol interlocks to be fitted as standard in professional vehicles in the EU, and for more countries to introduce alcohol interlock rehabilitation programs for drink-driving offenders.
A survey of 2,887 trips found that, on the territory of our country, nearly 1% of drivers admit that they have driven vehicles with a blood alcohol concentration higher than the maximum permitted by law of 0.5 ppm. Compared to the number of active drivers (around 2.5 million), the survey shows that approximately 15,600 drivers are ready to sit behind the wheel and drink drive.
- The film was produced by the Belgian production company Adult, and directed by Lieven and Erik Bulckens.
- Find out more about alcohol interlock programs around Europe at: https://etsc.eu/issues/drink-driving/alcohol-interlock-barometer/