Malina Krumova
Malina Krumova was born in 1976.
- In 1998, she graduated Political Science and International Relations from AUBG in Blagoevgrad.
- Holds a master’s degree from a joint program in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe of the University of Bologna and the University of Sarajevo.
- Since 1998, active in project and program management.
- In 2007, she joined the Ministry of Environment and Water as an expert in the Managing Authority of Operational Program Environment, and in 2009 she was appointed Director of the Directorate and Head of the Operational Program.
- March–May 2013, Deputy Minister of Environment and Water.
- November 2014, became part of the Administration of the Council of Ministers, dealing with the coordination of the European Structural and Investment Funds.
- Participated in the High Level Group set up by the European Commission on simplification of Cohesion Policy.
- January 2017, Deputy Prime Minister for European Funds in the caretaker government.
- May 2017, Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Public Works.
- In February 2019, she was appointed Chairperson of State Agency Road Safety.

Maria Lazarova
Deputy Chairperson
Maria Lazarova
Deputy Chairperson
Maria Lazarova was born in 1981.
- In 2003, she graduated from the University of National and World Economy, majoring in Industrial Economics.
- In 2005, she graduated from an MBA program at the Economic Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Sts. Cyril and Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo.
- In 2003–2017, she worked at the Ministry of Environment and Water, including at managerial positions at the Managing Authority of Operational Program Environment 2007–2013.
- In 2013, she was appointed Director of the Cohesion Policy for the Environment Directorate and Head of Environment 2007–2013 Operational Program.
- In 2014, she was appointed Executive Director of the Enterprise for the Management of Environmental Protection Activities (EMEPA).
- From 2014 to 2017, she was Deputy Director General of Operational Program Environment Directorate General, Managing Authority of Operational Program Environment.
- From the establishment of State Agency Road Safety (in February 2019) to July 2022, she was Director of the Administrative, Legal, Financial and Economic Services Directorate.
- In July 2022, she was appointed Deputy Chairperson of State Agency Road Safety.