Приоритети на ЕС за безопасност на движението по пътищата 2024-2029 г.

Още от 2018 г. държавите-членки на ниво ЕС споделиха целта за намаляване наполовина на смъртните случаи по пътищата до 2030 г. Ако се запази настоящия темп, обаче се очаква да намалеят само с една четвърт. През изминалата година 20 400 души са загинали по пътищата на ЕС, което е само с 1% по-малко спрямо предходната…

State Agency Road Safety takes part in the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims

20 November 2022 marks the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims. This is a UN initiative involving governmental and non-governmental organizations from all over the world.   This year, the campaign puts the spotlight on Justice. “When carried out seriously, fairly and consistently, traffic law enforcement is what road crash victims deserve. We…

6,000 children died on EU roads in 10 years

The European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) is calling for renewed action and specific targets to protect child road users as its latest report showed that more than 6,000 children up to the age of 14 died between 2011 and 2020 in road collisions in the European Union. Among some 40 recommendations to national governments and…

ROADPOL Road Safety Days

For the seventh year, the ROADPOL European Traffic Police Network organized the Road Safety Days initiative from 16 to 22 September 2022. The event is under the motto “Stay alive and save lives” and is held under the auspices of the Ministry of the Interior (MoI). The focus of the initiative is 21 September: a…

Road safety training concept adopted

The Council of Ministers adopted a concept paper on road safety training. The document was developed in implementation of the 2020 Road Safety Action Plan, developed in a context of broad consensus with responsible institutions, academia, industry and non-governmental organizations in the sector. The adoption of the paper creates an opportunity for better interaction between…

Development of a pilot intelligent road safety improvement system launched in 11 sections of the national road network

A pilot intelligent road safety system in 11 sections of the national road network will be developed, totaling nearly BGN 2.1 million provided by the Regions in Growth 2014-2020 Operational Program managed by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works. The contract was signed by Deputy Minister and Head of OPRD Managing Authority Denitsa…